FrostWire “Rebirth” 2.7.7 – A New Dawn for Android Users

πŸ”₯ FrostWire’s Phoenix Moment: Rebirth from the Ashes! πŸ”₯

Download for Android/Chromebook: frostwire-android-release-2.7.7-b730-plus.apk

Great news for our FrostWire community! We’re thrilled to announce the launch of FrostWire 2.7.7 build 730 for Android, marking a significant milestone in our journey. This update isn’t just a set of improvements; it symbolizes our resilient comeback, akin to a mythical phoenix rising from the ashes.

Today, January 5th 2024 we’ve been finally been reinstated in the Google Play Store.

What’s New in 2.7.7?

Subscription Page Enhancements: Navigating and managing your subscriptions is now smoother and more intuitive.

Expanded Ad-Removal Options: Plus users with Google Play can now purchase an Ad-Removal subscription, offering an even cleaner experience.

Tech Upgrades: We’ve integrated the latest tech stack including updates to Kotlin, Firebase, Gradle, and more, ensuring a robust and efficient app performance.

Python’s Latest: Featuring Python’s yt_dlp 2023.12.30 for enhanced functionality.

Ad & Mediation SDK Updates: We’ve upgraded to the latest versions for a seamless ad experience.
This update is particularly special as it comes just after FrostWire’s reinstatement on the Google Play Store. It’s not just an update; it’s a celebration of persistence, innovation, and community spirit.

A Vision of Resilience: The Ice Phoenix

As we celebrate this rebirth, imagine an “Ice Phoenix” rising majestically from a frosty terrain. This mythical creature, with its crystalline feathers and a shimmering aura, soars upwards amidst swirling snowflakes. Its wings glint with a spectrum of icy blues and purples, casting a radiant glow. As it ascends, it leaves behind a trail of sparkling frost, symbolizing renewal and endless possibilities. This Ice Phoenix is not just a fantasy; it embodies the spirit of FrostWire – ever resilient, ever evolving.

Stay tuned for the visual depiction of this breathtaking scene, a fitting metaphor for FrostWire’s journey!

Download or update to FrostWire 2.7.7 on Android and Chromebook and join us in this exciting new chapter.
Your support and feedback have been our guiding stars.

Let’s keep soaring higher, together!


FrostWire 2.7.7 build 730

  • Subscription page improvements
  • Plus users with Google Play can also buy Ad-Removal subscription
  • org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:1.9.22
  • androidx.exifinterface:exifinterface:1.3.7
  • com.applovin:applovin-sdk:12.1.0
  • com.applovin.mediation:unityads-adapter:
  • python: yt_dlp 2023.12.30
  • dev:
  • dev:

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